Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Now I'm just on a roll...

I've come to a very important realization: I'm a self-indulged narcissist.  Why am I a self-indulged narcissist? Well obviously, because I don't have kids.  Every other blog I've seen is super-cute with dozens of pictures of  babies with little stories about how they did this or that and went to the fair and pet baby lambs and la-dee-da.  I, on the other hand, just write about me (and occasionally my groom).  Don't get me wrong; I am perfectly content being a self-indulged narcissist at the moment.  I just thought I'd let you know that I was aware.  

*By the way Mom: when I called to tell you about the posts I was so surprised to hear you nonchalantly say "la-dee-da" because I had literally just written that in this post.  Telepathic connection?  I should say so!    

1 comment:

Alice said...

Hahahha... I would like to talk more about myself, but I feel guilty if I put more about Robert and me up than I do the kids... that's funny. Enjoy it while you can. (Besides, I'm glad you post so much about yourself... you know we're always curious since we keep stalking your blog).