Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My best friend's father suffered a massive heart attack last night and died.  He was too young and too healthy to have expected it, if such a thing can ever be expected.  It is in these instances that we are faced with our own mortality and must ask ourselves if we are truly living life as we should.  All too often petty squabbles, depression, selfishness, pride and other such barriers jump in front of us and keep us from moving forward.  What's worse is that all too often we don't even realize it.  Or worse, we are not willing to confront it and overcome it.  So I challenge both myself and anyone who reads this to keep in mind the following as you go about your days:
*Savor each moment and don't sweat the small stuff.
*Pray and establish or strengthen your connection with your maker.  We cannot get through this life alone.
*If you love someone, tell them.
*Learn to forgive and do it often.
*Don't hold grudges.
*If you've got an issue with someone, talk to them and find a way to fix it.
*Make time for yourself, and make time for your family.  You are in control of your own schedule, and if you are not then it is time to be. 
*Indulge in something uplifting everyday, whether it is reading a good book, enjoying beautiful music, or just picking up the phone to call someone you love. 
*Engage in small acts of service.  Sometimes a smile or a friendly word is all it takes, and sometimes it is more. Either way, it is hard to wallow in ourselves when we are serving others. 
*Evaluate where you are in your life spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally.  If you are not where you want to be on any of these things, then take the steps to get there.  

Maybe it is because of the field I am going into (therapy), but I am a firm believer that we are in control of our own happiness.  You have to decide if you will be happy, and you have to work to sustain it.  It isn't easy and a lot of times life just isn't fair. But this much I know: it is worth the battle, and if you are not fighting then you are not trying hard enough.  You never know what day may be your last, so make it count my friends, make it count.  

1 comment:

Alice said...

Thanks for that. Now my blog seems so shallow! Ummm... I'll have to put something meaningful on there later.