Wednesday, December 17, 2008

T minus Eight Days

Woah....who decided Christmas is just a mere eight days away?  Look Jesus, I love 'ya, but can't we wait until April to celebrate your big day?  I mean folks are we supposed to get it all done before next Thursday?  And here's a better question:  since when have we been required to not only deck the halls and bake figgy pudding but also send out Christmas cards, buy or make Christmas presents and wrap them, see at least two Christmas concerts, attend at least three Christmas parties, run around like animals last minute at the mall, go caroling to ungrateful neighbors, visit family and friends and eat like pigs, cook like it's nobody's business for days on end, and spread holiday cheer in the form of fudge?  Why is Christmas about what we're supposed to accomplish instead of how we're supposed to feel?  And let's face it ladies....the men are NOT stressing the way we are.  So this year I am kicking my feet up and forgetting Christmas presents, avoiding fudge at all costs, and leaving up the decorations that took forever to make until mid-March.  And don't expect your Christmas card until summer.  

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